Anime (animation) Cells (celluloid). Anime is a shortened version of the word "animation" and is used to describe Japanese animated movies and television series. Traditionally these were made from a series of images painted onto transparent celluloid sheets by hand and then photographed frame by frame to produce a moving image. These days hand painted cells are used less and less frequently as digital techniques have simplified the process.
Japanese animation is popular worldwide and easily recognizabe by its unique style. Hand painted cells are prized collectibles and each one is a unique work of art. The price of an Anime Cell can vary from a few dollars up to hundreds of dollars depending on the artist, series, popularity, rarity and just plain "coolness" of the image. They often come with extra pencil sketches of the scene and background paintings too that I like to call "bonus material".
"Ivory is the teeth of animals. "True" ivory comes from elephants and mammoth; however, the term is generally applied to the tusks of other mammals, and some synthetics" [and even some some plants]
"Elephant Ivory and Mammoth Ivory share a unique grain pattern known as Schreger Lines."
Description: This is the centre panel of a triptych. The condition of this print is excellent and can stand alone as an excellent example of woodblock prints from the era. We have the panel to the right (see below) but unfortunately the panel to the left has been lost to the ages.